Patent Leather Boots
we made these boots with the best leather for maximum durability.
Height: "
To place an order just choose your American Size in the box USA SIZE
Also we can make these boots of any size or mach of colors.
Just while you are purchasing please add the measurements or colors in the box that say (Observations or additional instructions :)
The info about the measurements you can find in our web-site in the mart that is mark in red (how to take my measurements)
The time of manufacture you can consult in the section MTZ EVENTS
All the Boots comes with a case to extends the life
The cost of the shipping you can calculate giving a click in Buy(button) and choosing the country of where are you from.
After that just complete de shopping.
No. mex:
Price: $ 176.79 USD
Sale: $ 162.50 USD
Our Price: $
2,275.00 MXP