Máscaras Pro- Catalogo sobre pedido
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Botas por Catalogo sobre pedido > Botas personalizadas de 14 pulgadas de altura de CHAROL SINTÉTICO

Boots by catalog on request; we ship to any part of the world wide.

Natural Patent leather Boots
we made these boots with the best leather for maximum durability.

Height: 14 inches

To place an order just writes your USA American Size in the box of Observations or additional instructions:

Also we can make these boots of any size or mach of colors. Just while you are purchasing please add the measurements or colors in the box that say (Observations or additional instructions :)

The information about the measurements you can find in our web-site in the part that is mark in red (how to take my measurements) and important measurement that we require it’s the number 6. Calf

We required 30 working days to process the order from this catalog.30 working days means that you only count days from Monday to Friday and exclude the weekends and holydays, PLUS THE SHIPMENT DELIVERY TIME.

Find more information of manufacture time on the section MTZ EVENTS

Please note, lettering/designs CAN be added to these pieces just send us and e-mail with draw, picture or design, sku or any detail that you would prefer (info@mtzwear.com) to get especial quote.

Extra sole not include
Lifts or extra sole can be added to these boots just you have to buy the sku: 641. Or sku: 1736 if you want white sole

The cost of the shipping you can calculate giving a click in Buy (button) and choosing the country of where are you from.

Payment options: 1.By Western Union, 2. By Credit Card get into PayPal, 3. Money Transfer by Bank, 4. By PayPal to: info@mtzwear.com

We will not accept returns for these products. In Mexico we do not have that system for refund or money back, be sure to add the correct measurements or descriptions.

The only items that we ship immediately are the ones from our stock catalogue.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail (info@mtzwear.com). An Mtzwear Teammate will be happy to help you.

Thank you for your preference. We appreciate your business.

Precio: $ 2,225.00 pesos
Oferta: $ 2,025.00 pesos
Our Price: $ 144.64 USD

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